Saturday, September 27, 2008

Update for Month of Sept

Hmm.. Long time didn't blog already hehe.. I'm not sure if im going lazy or im just too busy :P muahaha.. anyway, im back to keep my memories updated..

Many things happen during these gap..there were goods and also bad of cos hehe..but i'm just gonna keep those goods one here.. =P I'd been joining lotsa activities lately..Just joined Fitness First over the past few weeks and still not sure what's my point there hahaha..mayb to get my butt fix or my waist to go smaller!! :P Hmm.. how good if i can get my cervical bone to be smaller! but guess that wont happen lar.. :(

So, besides gym..i've joined badminton on some of the days and found it interesting..hehe.. Learned the correct way to actually hold a racket and how to smack correctly hahaha.. thanks Choon Lai for your advice :P

Hmm.. i'm actually enjoying myself during the past few weeks tagging along with my friends from KL joining them to gym, badminton, sing K, shops, movies and drink.. Thanks for bringing all the fun to me.. It actually lighten my sad memories.. =)

This month happens to be a very special month.. Many of my friends' birthday fall on this month.. Let me see if i can recall them.. we have Kar Hong, Angel, Chris, Pei Theng, Ryan, Soon Khai, Wei Ping, CK, Jin, Siew Chun, Alicia, Sekoi, Sim Joe, Fred, Vanny...and many to go haha..hard to recall all lar.. Ooh.. My little niece, Rachel also had her first birthday on the 24th Sept hehe.. went back hometown that day to celebrate with her..She's a cutie!! Wants to let her know that I love her very much!! **mwah... xoxo

1 comment:

Kelvin said...

Wish you neice - Racheal... Happy day... ^.^

Cheer always ya...